What sound does a blog make if no-one's there to hear it? Ignoble Truths is Stephan's attempt to find the answer to this and other questions.


Two firsts in one day! My first blog post, and my first IM session (with Marya).

I was out mowing the backyard, and it was so nice and balmy that after I was done I sat down, lit a pipe, and composed a poem:

For the small price
of getting grass stains on the knees
of your favorite pants,
you can experience summer in January
while eating an orange.

Does the little bug running
know that you watch him?
His business is urgent and grave.
It matters little to him
that you miss the smell of sage
and the dry air of a real summer you once knew.

He treats your toes wiggling the grass
as if it were an everyday occurence
(but your toes know differently).

Set your orange peel down here
It will make a home
if not for this little bug
then for the next.